You betcha. My two pups, now seven months old,born under my bed late January, keep me well grounded. You can't get too selfish when a couple of sets of mournful eyes keep tabs on you 24/7. e joying a bowl of yogurt and frozen blueberries on a hot summer day?isn't more fun when you share Mom they ask. As I put their bowl down their heads bob with delite and I don't for a minute regret spending half .my food budget on my country companions. They don't care about climate change or the economy and never complain. Life is good and they give good kisses too!

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I hear you. Dogs are way more faithful than humans. This time last year we were agonizing watching as my oldest grandson's best friend, Fievel, was reaching his last days. He was with us for 11 years. Rescued as a pup from being left at a dumpster in downtown Atlanta he grew up with my grandson. I have no words to explain how much this good dog meant to us. I did a vid tribute to him when he passed. I don't think my grandson was ever emotionally able to watch it - not yet anyway.


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I hand wash almost everything now since the handy man installing my washer broke it five years ago and I never got around to getting it fixed. I enjoy the exercise, as my right hand is slightly gimpy from my stroke in 2018. I did put together more of an updated version consisting of two five gallon buckets and a new toilet plunger and it could be used for towels-- but I hardly use them as I live in a desert climate and usually air dry.

Cooking? I boil potatoes make a pot of rice.once in a while, but often eat plantains for my starch. Eggs, organic free range ground meat & canned fish ( lately into pickled herring served with sour cream, sliced tonatoes,cukes,hot peppers& onions is a pretty elaborate meal. I still cook for others -- the cats & dogs love pork butt, slow cooked & chicken & turkey, but they are happy with raw meat & a bowl of fresh milk or cream. I love naps! When I get up early like today at 5 ish that means I might be ready late morning to hunker down for a quickie pre-lunch.

Gotta go feed chickens now, my rooster is calling y'all have a good day!

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Sounds to me like you are living an authentic life, not artificial or scripted by mysterious unknown others. We still get our fresh eggs from our neighbor at the old lake house. I miss the rooster wake up call in the mornings.

Is it not sad to think that this modern life is mostly enslaved to AI and electronic devises that have no real ability to think? The generations who cannot experience living in full command of your skills and abilities to think logically and therefore problem solve, are missing out on real living.

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“In acceptance lieth peace.”

Amy Carmichael

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I think we have to go through a lot of rebellion to learn this though. LOL

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